There is a Way to be Good Again

The line “there is a way to be good again” is significant to Amir because of his decision at the night of Hassan getting abused. Throughout these first 7 chapters, Amir failed many times to be more like Baba, having different personalities and interests than him. When he plays his Hassan, although he knows they are close, growing up together and feeding off the same breast, he often has thoughts of Hassan being less significant than him. When the moment came that tested which one he values more, he failed to realize the better option. Amir was so lost in his own thoughts of needing to please Baba that the decision of not helping Hassan haunted him for the rest of his life. He thinks he has failed himself. Being informed that there is a way to be good again allows him to think beyond the grudge he held against himself and to move forward in life, having an opportunity.

In my opinion, this phrase is quite important to people in general. This is because it gives hope to those who has previously done bad things. Since many people who do bad things continue to do so because they think there is no turning back, this phrase can bring them out of the dark. It also gives the idea of never giving up. People with this mindset are more likely to succeed since they will then be less afraid of failure, but instead will be able to embrace it and use it to build their success. For example, Amir tried various things to please his father, like trying out football and doing other physical activities. Instead of giving up, he continued to try and successfully pleased his father with the kite competition. I also find this phrase quite motivating. Being an average student, I sometimes do badly on tests or exams. However, having the idea of being able to be good again has allowed me to look past these failures. Instead of thinking I am useless and dumb, I find ways to improve and do well again, like studying extra hard on retests or for the next one.

Ultimately, I think the phrase “there is a way to be good again” is important to everyone. It gives hope to people and allows them to continue moving forward instead of dwelling on the past.

Rough Draft & Peer Evaluation


The quote “there is a way to be good again” is very meaningful. When we were given this prompt, I instantly knew what to write about. I jotted down my ideas and began writing, asking some of my peers to edit it after. Although this piece is short, it means a lot to me because the content is deep and meaningful.

One thought on “There is a Way to be Good Again

  1. I completely agree with your opinion especially this line”It gives hope to people and allows them to continue moving forward instead of dwelling on the past.” Being able to be good again lets us think optimistically and allows us to move on. This essay is really well written and also very inspirational, I really like it. Good job!


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